Meet The Team

development team brainstorming

Meno-together aims to transform the menopausal experience by creating a supportive and inclusive community where women and their loved ones can navigate this transition together with better knowledge, empathy and understanding. By addressing the informational needs of partners, colleagues and friends, the platform will contribute to a more compassionate and supportive environment for women during menopause in the UK and beyond.


profile picture of team developer

Lead Developer

Meet Erik, our coding virtuoso and lead developer! With a penchant for fun and a knack for JavaScript wizardry, Erik spearheaded the creation of our dynamic 'Health' pages. When he's not busy crafting code, you can find him injecting doses of laughter into the team. Fun truly is his middle name!


profile picture of team developer

Content Curator & Developer

Say hello to Georgina, our content guru and organizational maestro! With meticulous focus, she gathered all the content needed for our site and collaborated with Erik to develop the 'Health' pages. Georgina is the glue that holds our team together, always ready to lend a helping hand with issue resolution and support.


profile picture of team developer

Lead Designer

Meet Tarah, our artistic powerhouse and lead designer! With an eye for aesthetics and a flair for creativity, Tarah crafted our site's logo and provided all the imagery with painstaking research. She's our in-house creative genius, bringing beauty and style to every pixel.


profile picture rob team developer

UI/UX Lead

Introducing Rob, our master of design and user experience extraordinaire! As our UI/UX lead, Rob brought our vision to life with captivating wireframes and stunning designs for the Homepage and Team pages. Need a hand? Rob's always available to offer his expertise and creative flair.


profile picture of team developer

Contact Page Magician

Say hello to Asif, our Contact Page magician and idea powerhouse! With his innovative nature and great ideas, Asif took charge of creating the Contact page form and thank you page. His creativity knows no bounds, and his contributions have truly elevated our site.


profile picture of team developer

Scrum Master & Team Coordinator

Say hi to Yemi, our agile aficionado and team coordinator extraordinaire! Despite being new to coding and embarking on his first hackathon adventure, Yemi took on the role of Scrum Master with enthusiasm. From defining our product vision to organizing team meetings, Yemi keeps our ship sailing smoothly.


profile picture of team developer

Accessibility Advocate & Bug Buster

Introducing Stefan, our accessibility champion and bug-busting guru! Despite joining us last minute, Stefan has been an invaluable asset to the team. With his keen eye for detail, he ensures our site is optimized for accessibility and tirelessly hunts down bugs. Thanks for keeping us on track, Stefan!